Tuesday, August 30, 2016

What An Office Secretary Does (Aug 9)

Hey dad! So. Um, I haven't learned everything yet, but I will say basically what that entails. We help president do transfers every 6 weeks - not that we decide, but he will tell us who goes where and we will update all of the information for phone numbers and addresses and the transfer boards and stuff on the computer etc. That takes like three days. Plus we make all of the travel plans for every missionary, which gets crazy for transfers, and half of the time missionaries do something wrong and don't show up at the right place with no phone, so we have to make calls and help people get to the right places. We also work through a government agency called SEF to get missionaries their residency in the country, so we have to make appointments and bring missionaries to their building and help them with the documents, and we update any schedules or projects or reports that go to the missionaries or to the mission president. We work from 11 to 5:30 every day and then go proselyte for the rest of the day. The office is really nice! I have a computer that I am using right now and there is an office for the mission president etc. I'll try and send a picture. Our house is SUPER SMALL and doesn't fit three missionaries haha! I have apparently been speaking a lot in my sleep lately, and most of the time in Portuguese! How sweet is that? 

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