Dear motha,
Was that movie about like a hawaiian girl? If it was, then it's called "Vaiana" here. I don't know why if they are the same!
Wow that's awesome that Parker and Cooper both went to the temple!
I also hope that I can pick the violin back up when I get home. Sometimes I just really miss being a part of music!
Haha I would make a comment on all of the stuff you wrote but it would take a while. But it was all cool and I am way proud of Anna and I am excited for those tacos.
We have had to do a ton of stuff with transfers this week! it's been a big rush of going to training meetings, picking missionaries up from the airport, updating mission stuff, etc. I gave a couple parts in the training meeting for the new missionaries so that was fun! We got 15 new missionaries this transfer, so that was stressful, and next transfer we get 17, which will be even crazier! But it's been good. Elder Judd is super awesome! He is an awesome missionary and works hard! He's just sad to be in the office haha he was on Madeira (which is an island) for 7 and a half months, and then got sent here to be my comp, and he's having a hard time with the 3 and a half hours of work time we have every day. But we will work our hardest and everything will be just dandy! He is from California - super cool story, he is from Benicia, which was included in the YSA ward that I served in last year, so everyone that I talked to there knew him! He even remembers Elder Adamson being there, since I got to California the same day he went to he MTC! So it's like a super cool connection. Small world! He is a swimmer and water polo-player, is tall, and is super cool. We've been friends since the beginning of the mission so I'm excited to serve with him! Elder Yoder is still here in the office, he is serving with Elder Wait now. He just kind of bounced areas. He's always excited and is just a hard worker. I love it!
the decorations aren't all the same, but they are good, especially here in Porto! I think the whole world just kind of starts using American cultural stuff and implements it wherever, which is kind of the case here, so year by year Portugal gets more lights and more presents and stuff like that. I heard the song "last christmas (I gave you my heart)" while I was getting a haircut today haha!
Stuff... well I actually bought the scarf already today - it was 10 euros! Sorry! I just used some money I had lying around because it's really getting colder! Sorry! But as for other stuff, um, a new belt would be nice, but that's something I could buy here if I needed, like I always say I love pictures, yup well that's like all I can think of haha. A tiny bottle of maple syrup would be pretty cool. I have some pancake mix and no syrup! Favorite candies, sei lá. :( Sorry haha I'm so unhelpful! Just fun homey stuff! I loved anna's quotes for example, I love letters, and dad's letters with pictures are always good.
Well I want to write Anna and Ethan real quick, so I'll wrap up! Love you mom! Have the best 3rd week of December ever!
Love, Elder Valentine!
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