Hi there mom!
It sounds like such a good December week! The weather has not decided what time of the year it is yet haha so that's been great. It's been pretty cold and rainy but then we will get a random day of heat when I'm all bundled up so then I am too hot from having too many clothes on... haha it's been really funny!
I'll save the package for Christmas! Woohoo! Haha you know what's funny? I get notifications of most packages that come through since I have the mission email, and I saw the one that said "stephen Valentine" and I got pretty excited!
I currently have a nice big fat zit on the side of my face. It's great. Love it. Good first appearance, as I always say.
Or not.
I'm glad that Ethan is liking the trumpet! How long has he been playing now?
I asked Dad too but what's up with Ethan's bullying issue? That makes me sad.
Well for some thoughts on joy - I have no idea if I am stealing a General Authorities quote or something, but I think that joy is not the absence of trials, but the presence of Christ. The angel Gabriel proclaiming Christ's birth came to the Earth bringing "good tidings of great joy," and with a little help from James E. Talmadge in Jesus the Christ, I payed attention to the chorus of angels praising God, Singing "Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will towards men. This is what James E. Talmadge said:
"Tidings of such import had never before been delivered by angel or received by man-good tidings of great joy, given to but few and those among the humblest of earth, but destined to spread to all people. There is sublime grandeur in the scene, as there is divine authorship in the message, and the climax is such as the mind of man could never have conceived—the sudden appearance of a multitude of the heavenly host, singing audibly to human ears the briefest, most consistent and most truly complete of all the songs of peace ever attuned by mortal or spirit choir. What a consummation to be wished—Peace on earth! But how can such come except through the maintenance of good will toward men? And through what means could glory to God in the highest be more effectively rendered?"
And I love that! Christ's birth started a 34 year long journey of bringing peace to Earth through the consumation of Christ's mission. He came to bring peace and joy to all man, through His Atonement. His life ended with all of the Pharisees and Jews against Him, which in the moment was probably not very peaceful nor joyful, but that wasn't the point - Christ was doing it for something far greater! And that's the example for our joy - we can be stuck in the middle of not very peaceful nor joyful times, but when we have the bigger picture with Christ in the middle, joy comes instantly. I wrote in my study journal after reading a bunch of Atonement scriptures a few weeks ago, and even though it was a hard week and a rough time with a lot of stress, my heart opened up and I praised God through my words into my journal. I just felt so much love and understanding through Christ after studying about Him that I couldn't not be filled with joy! It happened because I understood and pictured in that moment how insignificant my trials are in the face of the Atonement. When we let our burdens be swallowed up in Christ, they don't dissapear, but we become stronger and more joyful through Christ to carry them. I love my Savior! I hope this made sense to you. :)
Okay gotta run real quick, but I love you mom! :)
Love, Elder Valentine!
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