Friday, November 18, 2016

Elder V to Mommy V Again, November 14

Hi mom!

Haha I forgot to say that Bishop Vanderley is not actually my bishop, he's the bishop of Porto 2 (I'm in Porto 1) But he works here in the office for President Amorim so it's lots of fun! He's from São Tomé e Principe. 

You should send a picture of the bridal shower cake! Haha I saved all of your cake pictures and sometimes I like to look at them because they are so awesome.

That stinks that you got sick again! It could have been from the aliens in that movie! Does your stomach still hurt from the surgery? Or is this the only side effect? I'll make sure to pray lots for you. At least you'll be all the way better by the time I get home! :)

You know, not like you guys have to, or even do it until it's close to me getting back, but you should make a list of good movies/other stuff for when I get back, so that we can party! I already have a request if I haven't said it yet - when I get back home, since it will be July 4th, you guys should save all of the yummy american food that I will be missing out on that day (I think missionaries normally return at like 10PM so I'll totally miss July 4th!) and I've been craving real chocolate chip cookies and GOOD milk my whole mission, so yeah. Haha this was a trunky paragraph, sorry! :)

Anna had sadie Hawkins? Is that like a girls choice dance? I didn't ever have that dance at Northridge. Did she have fun? You guys are so cool to have the dinner at home! I always thought it was a lot of fun to do a dinner like that. Haha I guess I could just ask her about it, but I'm sure it's different from a mom's perspective too!

Oh yeah, Trump won. I heard about that! Apparently (Really apparently, since I haven't heard anything but what portugal and my office comps have to offer) lots of people (like other moms and stuff) are happier with him than Clinton! My friend Jacob Jackson made a good point and said that the best we can do is pray for him, because he'll be the leader of our nation and should be influenced for good and righteousness as much as we can help him be! If you have any thoughts on the situation, I've been in the dark and wouldn't mind hearing your thoughts! And Dad's too!

Wow, Christmas is coming up so fast! I can't believe it! I've been in the office since the 1st of August! That's nuts! I think it will be fun for you guys to go and have dinner with the Braeggers (did I spell that right?). Grandma Folkman told me that Zach is living in Brigham or something and that he's working down here with Uncle Mark. That's neat! 

That's a really awesome quote. I remember hearing the Portuguese version and the English is better. :) I think that's the best way that I work, actually - when I see the blessings and good things God has given me through the Gospel, it makes me want to share it even more! Those are good days, when I can have that attitude!

My computer is being lame and won't let me send pictures! :( I'll figure it out.

Random Fact: I have lots of ties and socks right now! I have received a bunch of ties from members/missionaries and I have like 45! Haha they're not all awesome ties though - chinese stores are a big thing here (they are all really run by chinese people) and so I have like 8 ties that cost €3 or less. It's pretty funny! And all of my socks are in good condition. I don't have any holes in any of them! Also, Elder is a name here (they spell it Helder) and so most of the time people will be confused and say "both of your names are Elder??" It's pretty funny. Apparently there was also a TV show where someone says "oi Elder!" that was pretty popular, so we here "oi Elder!" about 80 times a day from random kids and teenagers. 

Okay, well I love ya! Have a good week mom! :) Sorry I couldn't get pictures in! I don't know what's up.

Love, Elder Valentine!

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