Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Reply to "Half-Way Paid" June 6 Email from Dad

Hey Dad! 

I know! It's just really strange how fast time is going by. I'll be at a year in just a bit, and then my trunky family can start going down on the other side of that Temple missionary calandar! 

Will Brother Crockett come back to his old house when he is done with his assignment? I hope so! That stinks that his family is moving! They are way awesome. Has anyone else moved out or in recently? How many families would you say are new to the ward since I left? 

Hahaha I miss good cooking! Elder Kiki and I tried to make crepes today, but we have really limited cooking supply options pan-wise and every crepe just stuck to the pan and turned into a mess. We ended up eating a scrambled egg looking pile of crepe-goo. It was pretty... fun. :)  

How is Amanda doing? I am not even sure if the divorce is "final" yet - what's been going on with her? How is Ryleigh? How is it having Amanda at home? Different than it was with Kimber and Kevin?

Haha did you guys ditch Anna back home for the project? Or did she that rebelious teenager age where she didn't want to go? Just kidding she told me she has been camping with friends so that's probably what she was doing. I also miss big breakfasts... or maybe just good milk. I seriously cannot even wait for good milk. Ethan needs to toughen up and eat like a man!

What are you doing for your little trip? Are you just checking up on records, or teaching anything, or what? 

Hey so you're a pretty cool dad, did you know that? I love ya lots! Have a fun trip and a good week!

Love, Elder Valentine!

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 5:17 AM, Stephen Valentine <> wrote:
Elder Valentine,

Greetings, Spencer! Happy P-Day to you. I hope your first week of June is finding sun and warmth instead of nonstop rain. So guess what? When I make the payment this month on your mission it will be my 12th payment . . .meaning that you are half-way paid! HALF of your mission is now paid off!! Can you believe it? Is time flying or what? In a month from now we’ll be talking about your halfway point, and then counting down the weeks until you return, instead of counting UP the time that you’re out! Amazing.

I learned on Friday that Kyle Crockett will be taking a temporary job in Washington DC. This is part of his normal job, only a temporary assignment in DC for the next year. He will be moving his family out there starting in late July. This means that I have to release him and call a new counselor! Sad day for me!! I love the Crocketts and will really miss them and Kyle in my bishopric. I’m not sure yet what to do about his replacement. He leaves some big shoes to fill.

Here’s what’s going on right now: I am in my office typing this. I can smell the sweet aroma of baby-back pork ribs in the oven. Soon will take them outside and put them on the BBQ grill to smoke them the rest of the way. Mom is upstairs asleep on the bed. Anna is in her room, reading presumably, though maybe asleep. Ethan just came downstairs a few minutes ago and totally scared me. I thought he was upstairs, and he snuck down just to startle me. The brat. You’d be proud of him. Amanda is downstairs. Kimberly and Kevin and Lincoln and Porter are headed our way and will get here about 5:30. Grandpa and Grandma Valentine are coming later tonight. They are headed to Oregon for 2 weeks with David, Laurie, and Kris and their families. They’re coming by to say “hi” and “bye” before they go. Later I’ll be packing up to go on the road the next three days. I’m headed down to Southern Utah to visit some family history missionary centers. 

Me, Mom, and Ethan spent Friday night in beautiful, scenic Evanston, Wyoming. We stayed the night there so we could be close to the Unitahs, because Saturday morning we got up early and drove to Lake Lyman for a stake service project. We painted benches and a cabin floor and moved a bunch of bark all over the campground. It was fun to be there with Mom and Ethan and work together. In the morning we had the normal hotel breakfast, and we were talking about your epic breakfast at the Anaheim Hill Fairfield Inn. That was a very proud moment as your father, the day that you set like the world’s record for breakfast consumption. Ethan nibbled at a waffle and had a bit of an omelet. Rookie. Mom will send you some pictures of our little service project. 

Well, it’s now 10:15, or five hours later than I last wrote. Kimberly and Kevin just left. I am now getting ready for my trip. I was going to write a bit more, but I’ll have to keep it at this. I’ll be on the road but will be looking for your emails. I may not be able to reply, so if not, have a great week! I love you! 


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