Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy New Year (Spencer and Dad) 2017

Read this one from the bottom up:

Dang it dad!

You make me cry like every week! You turn me into a big booby blubbering missionary (or B3M). 

Disneyland sounds like a ton of fun. I'm devastated that the Tower of Terror is closing but I guess it has to be. 

Here in 3 days I'm going to hit my "six months to sexy," (which is six months to work out and get fit before going home, which is not something I made up, it's an old thing, so get that disgusted look off your face) but how crazy is that?

Thanks for the inspiring and inspired letter, Dad, for real. Like you said, I need to get what I know in my head to what I feel in my heart; and I feel like that applies to all missionary work! I KNOW that God can perform miracles and do His work through His servants, but is that a part of me? I don't want to get in my own way of being God's instrument! So thanks again! 

What are some of your New Year's Resolutions, dad? My first (and only so far, unfortunately! I'll do more!) is to write in my journal every day until the end of my mission, and I did yesterday, so 1 day down, 6 months to go! I'll make some more today and tomorrow and then tell you next week!

Happy new years, dad! 

Love, Elder Valentine!

On Mon, Jan 2, 2017 at 5:38 AM, Stephen Valentine <> wrote:
Dear Elder Valentine,

Happy New Years! You left on your mission in 2015 and now it's 2017! That's amazing!! Also amazing is that you will be turning 20 this year! That's officially old!! 

As you know, we spent the week in California at Disneyland and Universal. Mom will be sending you some pictures. We had a really great time. I'll spare you the details, but just know that throughout the week we kept saying: "We can't wait until Spencer can be here with us!" One fun thing is that the Star Wars Land is coming along pretty well. It may be done in 2018. That should be really awesome. Also, there is now a Harry Potter area in Universal Hollywood that is better (I think) than the one we visited in Florida. So when you're back and we can go to California you can see that, too. 

Also very fun this time was Porter and Lincoln being with us. They are so cute! You are going to love getting to know them. They made the whole trip really fun because it's like reliving your childhood to see their excitement and enthusiasm for everything. Kimberly is really a good Mom, and the boys love their Daddy. Kevin is a really good Dad. We all had a great time together. No drama! No tension! No hurt feelings! Just fun.

It was so amazing to talk to you on Christmas. You may not see it in yourself, but I saw some real growth in you. I mean, you are growing spiritually, but also you are seeming more "like a man"! You are looking older and more mature. You left a boy and are coming home a man!! Wow, that sounds like a huge stereotype, but I think it's true. 

I wanted to share some additional thoughts about your current assignment. I know that you're struggling a bit being in the office. But I also know that your mission president has keys. Since he has keys he is entitled to revelation for where God needs his missionaries. Since that is true, and you know it is true, then you are exactly where God needs you. Now I know that you know this in your head but I want you to know it down deep in your heart.

As an example, I was talking to a ward member a few days ago in my office at the church. We were talking about some challenge that she is facing. Then she said something really inspired. She said: "Well, I know that God knew that this was going to happen to me. He knew this even before Iw as born, so I guess that's why he brought (so and so) into my life and made all these other things happen, because God knew I would be having this trial right now." This is a true principle. Because God already knows what will happen in the Porto Portugal mission, and because he already knows what his children in Portugal needs, and because HE can hasten his own work, and because he knew all this before you were even born, and because you were called to this very mission because of your specific skills and talents . . . THEN because of all of that, of course being the executive secretary is EXACTLY what God needs from you right now! One of the key reasons you were called to this mission was to be the executive secretary. Again, I know that you know this, and you're thinking right now: Dad, I get it. I have faith. I know this is true. But I still wish I could be out there doing "real" work right now . . . The thing is, Elder Valentine, this is the REAL work that God needs you to do right now! You know it, but do you believe it? Do you have sufficient faith to believe it and not feel impatient or as if somehow you're not achieving your full potential? This IS you fulfilling your potential.

I'm not trying to be pushy here. It's just that I KNOW IT and BELIEVE IT at a level so much deeper now than I ever have before. In Nehemiah the Lord calls many different families to build their portion of the wall of the temple. Every person is called to do their part, in their portion, with what skills they have. This is true now for you. So never despair. All that you need to do is magnify the assignment you are given. And I know you are doing that! Your mission president trusts you! He needs you! You are keeping the whole mission going! What an amazing responsibility that you have!

I say this so often that perhaps it is losing it's effectiveness . .. but, once more, I want you to know that I am SO proud of you! I could not be more proud (in all the righteous ways!). There is a part of my heart that is imprinted by you, and it makes me happy every single day. Thank you so much for all you are doing to inspire and bless me!

The year of 2017 is going to be an amazing year for you, my son. I know it! You will complete an honorable mission giving a full offering acceptable to the Lord. You will return to a loving family. You will start college! You will have many great new experiences serving the Lord. It will be a wonderful year for you.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. You have work to do now! So get out there and get back to your desk and do your very best. I will do the same in my own portion of the vineyard, on my own portion of the wall.

I love you! Have a great week!


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