Thursday, September 3, 2015

Going to Cali!! - Spencer Announces His Reassignment

Here's the email Spencer sent to his friends announcing the temporary reassignment to the Santa Rosa California Mission:

Hi everyone!
If you haven't heard yet from me, I'm going to the Santa Rosa California mission for a while because my VISA hasn't gone through yet. It was hard to accept at first, but I absolutely know that the Lord made my new assignment because there are people I can help and opportunities to grow in California. I am so grateful for my opportunity to serve more people! I love the gospel and am so excited to teach it wherever the Lord sends me!
Speaking of which, I leave for California tomorrow! I am going to arrive around 11 in the morning, so I will have all day to preach to the people of Santa Rosa! I am going to try and place a Book of Mormon in the airport or on the plane and get my first contact!
So this last week has been so good! Well, one thing kind of stunk. I totally hurt Elder Meza in gym; we were playing volleyball (the lamest sport to get hurt in), and we both went up for the ball, and I landed my knee into the side of his leg, and he totally collapsed. He had to go to the doctor like three times and got an MRI, but luckily it wasn't anything super major; he just had some tissue damage and an effusion. I was worried that he wasn't going to be able to go to Portugal but he will be okay! He's been on crutches and I've had to carry is stuff around; I also make fun of him for being so slow because he hates it. :)
I had my last time at the temple for two years on Tuesday! I seriously LOVE the temple. I'm kind of bummed about it, but hey! I think missionary work is a pretty good trade off! We also had in-field orientation and an ending devotional, which were very long and boring, and we have finished our classes, and everything! I can't believe I'm leaving the MTC! I finally get to go preach the gospel!!!

I had a really cool experience while I was interviewing one of the district leaders in my zone. We were talking about how we could be better leaders, and the DL apologized for his inability to serve the calling well. I told him that he was looking at this experience all wrong! None of us are perfect, and we always judge ourselves and our abilities, especially when compared to those of others. But the thing is, we are completely different people. We have different ways of leading and showing our love for those we serve. So comparing ourselves to others is basically pointless. The only person who knows us and knows how we can truly improve is Jesus Christ. He paid the ultimate price so that we could be forgiven, and so that He could help us whenever He knows we need it. How amazing is that? One of the two most powerful beings in all eternity knows us so perfectly, and loves us so much, that He helps us in the exact best way that He can. I told the district leader that I am weak. I told him that one of the things I struggle most with is talking to people and expressing the words that I want to say, which is a big problem when the next two years are all about talking to people. I have a very real struggle with this. But I told him that through Christ, my weaknesses are swallowed up. He makes me strong. He constantly gives me the ability to do His work because I am worthy of it and have the desire to be better than I am. I could not do this work without His help. But I have His help, so I had better use it!
Anyway, it was super super cool. I was bawling like a baby because I felt the Spirit so strongly. I loved it! And I am SO excited to go serve the people in Santa Rosa. I know I am called to where the Lord needs me. His gospel is the only way we can receive salvation, and I get to go share that with people! The Book of Mormon is the very literal word of God. We can learn everything we need to know from that book. Prophets are men called of God to help Him lead His church and help us all return to our Father in Heaven. This Gospel is SO true, and I love that I am a part of sharing it. The next time I talk to you all, I'll hopefully have some sweet stories to tell about preaching! But until then, I love you all, and I'll talk to you next week! Tchau!

-Elder Valentine!

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