Monday, April 3, 2017

Reply to "Greetings from Dad" (March 27)

Hi Dad!

I'm in the process of saving your youngest daughter from boyfriend heartbreak as we speak; just thought you'd like to know! :) Haha it's going well. She's got lots to think about! ;) 

I looked back at a letter I wrote to Kimberly a while ago, and I was talking about how we will probably look back on our life and be so much more grateful for being busy and at times stressed out, rather than looking back and wishing we would have done more with our time. It's so true! Just like you said, non stop blessings! 

I'm sorry you're doing all this school stuff for me! But hey, I'm like 7000 miles away. I can only do so much!

England again! Wow! What are you doing there this time? Can you count the amount of trips you've taken in the last year and eight months? 

What am I learning from serving in the office; well, specifically in the office, it's been a lot of responsibility, for sure! I've never had to worry so much about doing things 100% right, because in school you can mess up and the only affect is on your grade; but in life and at work, you can't just mess up and be okay with it! It effects a lot more people than just myself! I've also had some experiences dealing with business and talking to people in formal settings, which is something I didn't have a lot of experience in. Sitting in meetings, placing orders, talking to people when things go wrong; stuff like that. I've been blessed with some really powerful spiritual experiences talking to people in lessons and on the road. I've truly been guided! On Saturday Elder Wait and I were teaching a lesson to a less active man and his non-member wife, who seems to know that the church is true but doesn't want to take the commitment, and also has some past memories that seem to impede her from believing wholeheartedly in God. I turned to 2 Nephi 2:25 and Alma 34:32, and told her that "men are that they might have joy" but that our part is to "prepare to meet God," and that she was impeding herself from progressing. Being around a member for so long and knowing the church and it's teachings but not accepting them out of "laziness" essentially, she might not have another chance after this life because she rejected this one. I let her know that, but really lovingly, and the spirit was super strong. And Elder Wait and the member that was there with us also were very inspired with answers and testimonies. It was really cool. And just "preaching repentance" in general, to everyone, and bearing my testimony of Christ - it is SO good to talk about eternal truth. I love it! I don't know if that really answered any of your questions haha!

I had an interview with President Amorim yesterday after church. That was cool! It was also after a very nice lunch at the Mission Home with our district, because President was at our chapel for our ward conference. We got up to a frequency of 102 yesterday, which is higher than the ward has had in a really long time! Anyway, interview; it was really good! It was only like my 4th with him in my mission, so I enjoy the chance to talk to him. This one was all about good stuff - it was very uplifting to hear his insights and learn from him. He told me that I was the best Executive he's had since he started his mission, which was cool. I don't like need praise nor do I want to ever gloat, but it was nice to hear!

I too know that God's true Gospel is restored! I love that we can know. It is so assuring and rewarding to search for knowledge and receive answers, and I am grateful to God for it. I love the Gospel!

Love you dad!

Love, Elder Valentine! 

On Mon, Mar 27, 2017 at 3:12 PM, Stephen Valentine <> wrote:
Elder Valentine,

Good morning (afternoon for you), Elder Valentine! I trust that you are well and happy and well-fed and wearing yourself out in the service to our Heavenly Father. Yesterday was one of those “wear yourself out” days for me at the church. My day started with a stake bishops meeting at 6:30 and continued all the way through home teaching until about 5:30. Sounds like a typical day for you, right? Non stop church!! Non stop blessings!

What are learning from your service in the office? What blessings are you receiving? What tender mercies are you experiencing? 

On Friday I’ll be paying your registration fee at USU so you (me) can register for classes. I’ll have some additional information on orientation and next steps after I get you registered. I know you don’t want to think about the real world, and I don’t want you to! But I’ll keep you updated so you know what to expect when you return (gulp!).

The best experiences I had last week were at the temple. Tuesday all the youth in the ward did baptisms in the Bountiful temple. It was so awesome! I had the blessing of baptizing Anna and Ethan. Then on Friday I went to an endowment session with your Mom. It was also so great! I love the temple! I’m excited for you to go to the temple when you return. I’m really looking forward to going to the temple with you. 

Next week at this time I’ll be in England. I’m flying out on Saturday, so I’m not sure if I can email you on Monday, but I may be able to. I’ll at least email you before I leave. London is become my second  home!

Spencer, I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord’s true church on this earth. I know that Christ lives and loves us. I know that you are in His employ. I know that you are being blessed and will continue to be blessed due to your service. I love you and continue to be inspired by you. Thank you so much for serving!


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