Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Discussion Between Dad and Son - March 21

I haven't posted all of the private emails between me (Dad) and Elder Valentine (son). But this is one that I want to share, because it speaks so well about Spencer's progress and growth:

Hey dad! I can't believe that it has been a year since I opened my call! I totally didn't even think about it until you told me! The ward is growing so much! It's strange to hear about changes back home! I think that your face to face sounds like an awesome activity. I'm not joking when I say that you are like the most amazing bishop ever! The whole ward just loves you to bits and you do such a good job magnifying your calling. Your trip sounds super fun - are you going to be traveling more because of your new position? I'm also happy that Anna gets to drive a car with two back lights! Haha I know she wasn't excited to drive it with the broken one, but I'm sure she's happier now. 

To answer your question - I think first off it's a really funny change to make, because I looked forward to my mission my whole life, and didn't really know what to expect besides preaching the gospel, and then it just kind of happens, and suddenly I'm a missionary! Still me, just in a different country speaking portuguese teaching people about the gospel - but still me! It's a strange feeling! It's probably harder than I thought it would be, but in different ways than I would have thought. It's all directed by God, unlike just about any other time in my life, in the sense that nothing will progress if He isn't the one leading the way through the spirit. It's hard sometimes to know if I'm following what God wants me to do or be where I should or say what someone needs to hear. It's also hard to be with companions who have different levels of wanting to work! The food is better than I thought, thankfully - I am definitely going to need a "six months to sexy" missionary diet. You know, I feel kind of stuck right now. It is so fulfilling when you find someone who wants to listen or have a cool spiritual experience, but right now, I just know I could be having more. I kind of get frustrated with myself for not knowing what to do sometimes. It's hard, honestly! I want to do what is right but I don't always know how. And sometimes I don't know how to feel the spirit, and I get scared to go on because I don't know how. But I really do know that God is at the head of this work, and I know that I just need to keep being obedient and learning as much as I can. I really do love being out here. Some missionaries get trunky and want to go home, even if just a little bit, but I don't feel that way. I really just want to do my best, and that's where it's hard. Because I don't know sometimes how to do that. Remember what my patriarchal blessing says? It says that I will baptize many people who will become great leaders of the church. Well, that hasn't happened yet. But I know it will. I know it will because I love God and I want to do what's right! So yeah. That's just kind of the feeling. But I love it here! Don't think that this was like a "oh no, Elder Valentine is sad and doesn't want to be a missionary!" So not true! It's just a different kind of hard. Yup! That's all.

Thanks for being an awesome dad! Saturday was actually the portuguese Father's Day, so I wanted to say thank you for being such an amazing example to me. There isn't a person on Earth that I would rather be like than you. You are so inspiring and close to the spirit and working to do God's will, and I am so incredibly grateful to call you my Dad! I love you, home slice! I'm bawling here! Stop it! 

Well, as I wipe the tears off my face, I say goodbye! Love ya dad! 

Love, Elder Valentine!

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